{How To} Make Your Own Lip Exfoliant

January 13, 2011

By Katrice 

I've been doing everything I know to keep my lips moisturized and hydrated this winter, to no avail. So, last night I decided to search Youtube for some home remedies and I was excited to find a great tutorial {Michelle Phan's Kissable ♥ Lips DIY} on making my own lip exfoliant with things I already had in my kitchen. Two words: Sweet success.

What you need: Honey, Sugar, Vaseline Petroleum Jelly (As you can see, I substituted Carmex.)
How to mix: Start with 1 tsp. of sugar in a small container {that you can also store it in} and add 2 Tbsp. of honey. Last, add a small amount of Vaseline. If from a tube, the amount you release would be just about an inch and a half in length. Mix all of the ingredients until you have a honey-hued gritty balm.
Application: Apply the mixture to your lips the same way you would a lip balm and smooth across to help the sugar remove any dead skin. After you have thoroughly buffed, removed the mixture by with a damp cloth.
Voila! Softer lips in no time. 

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  1. I love this post! Thanks for being so INNOVATIVE with your information release of great options. U r awesome! And ya know how much I love my lips!!!!!!!

  2. LOL! You're welcome. Now, your lips will love you back!

  3. I use to just use the sugar & vaseline as a scrub, but I'm going to try it with the honey now. Thanks!

  4. I just got done trying this. Loved it! My lips are super smooth. And I don't know if I'm imagining things but I'm pretty sure I see a visible difference. Yay!


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