The iPad 2 Has Landed

April 12, 2011

by Katrice 

I got up this morning at 5 a.m. and did something I've never imagined myself doing: I was dressed and at the Apple Store by 6:07 a.m. standing in line. I was there, of course, for the iPad 2. Hours later, I'm a hilarious combination of fatigued and excited. This. Thing. Is. Awesome! 

Because I picked it up on my way to work, I've only been able to piddle with it for a few brief moments. But, what I've experienced so far is beyond my expectation. Before my iPad, the only Apple devices I've owned are an iPod nano and iPod touch. I love them. But, not enough to venture into the Apple store and hang out like it appears people are when I walk by. Well ... At this point, you just may see me in the glass-enclosed store some time when you walk by. LOL! {I'll likely be in there for a bit of insight on taking a more crisp photo than you see above. Please, forgive the graininess.} Friend Kam said I'm officially an "Applelite."

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