Get the Look: 'Fro It Out

May 13, 2011

By Katrice

Before I begin, I feel as if I need a brief disclaimer here. Everyone's hair responds uniquely to different products and technique, whether straight or kinky/curly. The best thing that you can do for your hair is to get to know it and give it limitless TLC. With that said, this post is for friend Nebula. 

And interestingly, it's timely considering my train of thought over the last few weeks. Just recently, I was having a conversation with a friend about some new products that she discovered and learned that she considered me one who doesn't like to try new styles. I was a little surprised but then realized why she thought that; I mostly wear my hair in an afro. And what's more interesting is that I am always thinking about trying new styles. But, since my first three inches of natural growth, I have been completely obsessed with my hair as a fluffy, unorganized mound of kinks and coils. I mean, when I'm wearing my afro, I feel uninhibited, and fresh and modern, and interesting ... and beautiful in a really fundamental way. So, the other styles I think I'd like to try get put off for another day. 

Often, when I wear my hair like this, people ask me what I do to achieve this look. So, I'll share my very simple technique.

What I do:

Wash and condition {with a leave-in conditioner}, then air dry.
Once a month {sometimes twice}, I steam it for 20 minutes with the conditioner in.
Once it's dry, I do a dry twist out with nothing but mango butter and cover it with a satin bonnet.

*The first day of a twist out, my hair is shrunken to about four inches. So, it's dense and full but has very little length.
The second night after I've washed it, I just cover it with the satin bonnet. I do not re-twist it. 

Tuesday morning, I let me afro get well steamed while in the shower {and it necessary put a little oil on it before entering the shower}. So, it's full but much more fluffy and has less definition than a first-day twist out. 
Tuesday night, I re-twist if in medium size twists [for the purposes of stretching} and cover it with the satin bonnet.

By Wednesday, the look of it is similar to Monday but with more length.
Wednesday night, I don't re-twist unless I want to maximize the length of the 'fro.

Thursday morning, I remove my satin bonnet prior to showering and pull my afro out. If I need moisturizer or sheen {which is key}, I apply it before getting into the shower. {Perfect time for MoroccanOil.} The result is the photo above.

*The key to a good textured 'fro is ample moisturizing and routine. I am an earnest believer in always covering my hair before laying down for the night.

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  1. Thank you Katrice. I just straightened my hair for a trim but I plan to try this out next week. Wish me luck - neb

  2. Thanks for your natural hair wisdom. It is greatly appreciated. :)
    S Nicole

  3. Thanks for the post! After about 3 months of regular salon visits (and watching my $$$ say bye-bye) I am back to home styling. Still trying to figure things out, but it's gotten better. How often do you wash and style? So your hair doesn't shrink up or become unmanageable when you let it air dry? Last night I did some jumbo twists to help it dry and maintain stretched ...

  4. You're welcome. I wash my hair every 8 days or so, and I do experience a great deal of shrinkage air drying it. But, it doesn't become unmanageable because I use a good leave-in conditioner. It does all the work. Check out my NaturalLove link at the top. I talk about Qhemet there.


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