A Thank You to MVL Readers

September 01, 2011

By Katrice

I want to take a moment to thank all of you for reading My Vicarious Life. MVL is nearing it's 2nd birthday and has doubled in pageviews in the last eight months. That says to me that we are creating a community here and sharing our zest for life. However, I want to continue making your experience with MVL the best that it can possibly be; and for this, I need your feedback. 

I have a vision for MyVicariousLyfe.com {and have some exciting things coming up} but I'm very interested in learning how you view this blog to further enhance it.  

So, what is My Vicarious Life about to you? What is top of mind for you when you think of MVL?

I'd love to hear your thoughts. You can do so via e-mail at kmines@myvicariouslyfe.com or in the comments. Please and thank you. xx

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  1. First of all congratulations!!!! To answer your question, I love all the fashion tips, suggestions, trends etc. I love reading about what is new and exciting, mixing and matching various patterns and things of the like. I also like the postings on natural hair tips and make-up.

  2. Congratulations on your blog-verisary and the much deserved success! I love the fashion tips, collages and shoe trends. I would love to see "What Katrice is wearing" from time to time and more make-up and natural hair tips as well!

  3. One of the better blogs that I actually follow!

  4. Congratulations! MVL is my favorites one stop shop for all things fashion and beauty. It's the only site/blog/page that I make it a point to visit to see what new fashion trends are in play. I love that MVL features clothing that is stylish, but not "over the top" . It spotlights pieces that your everyday fashionista can wear AND (usually) afford. I love the tutorials. It would be great to see more make up tutorial videos and , as the previous poster said, pics of "what Katrice is wearing today". Pics of what other everyday people (coworkers, pedestrians) are wearing would be cool as well.

    Most importantly, I have thoroughly enjoyed the opinion pieces and inspirational postings. You're a wordsmith with wisdom well beyond your years. To use the key phrase I've garnered from your blog - please continue to "speak life". Happy Birthday, MVL!!!

  5. It's a little tough for me to explain, but I basically like how you post about new things you bought, or inspirational pieces from a designer's collection.
    I like the variety of what you post, like random beauty tips or details about a trip somewhere.
    I would keep posting the same way and eventually you will attract more readers. :)


  6. Katrice, congrats on your growing success! I, too, enjoy the fashion and beauty tips and features, along with your more personal insights on hot buys, etc. that you share on occasion.

    I'm excited to see what's next on MVL!! I'll be reading, for sure.

  7. Hmm, I think I see your blog as a "what's happening, what's hot, where to go, where to get it & how to do it" spot for fashion, make-up, food, and fun. I like it!


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