Blogtog Journal #1

November 01, 2011

By Katrice

A {chance} perfect capture from my patio in Ocho Rios, Jamaica

Definition of BLOGTOG
1: a blogger who is scrutinizingly determined to produce quality original photos. 
2: a blogger turned hobbyist photographer.

Since my first blog entry, I have been working to improve the original images that I post on my site. In the beginning of My Vicarious Life, my trusty camera of choice was a Kodak Easyshare M420 with three features that I thought made it top-of-the-line: 10 megapixels, 5x digital zoom and a 3-inch LCD display. As much I loved the photos it produced during family gatherings, blog images were all together different. They were average, at best. Three months into blogging, I was researching DSLR cameras. {The thing that won me over about the blogs I loved -- more than the words, even -- was the quality of images.} 

While I understand that the bloggers with the best images are likely working with a professional photographer, I refuse to accept that my own photos can't be as crisp and clear. 

A year and a half later, I have a new trusty camera of choice -- the Sony Alpha a230, and markedly improve pics on MVL. I'm only using two to three features on my camera regularly. {Ha!} But, I love the images I get with my novice-level skillset. Most of the time. Other times, I am challenged by distance and lighting, and the many settings that I have yet to master. 

Enter: photography guru John Stephens. 

Earlier this summer, I attended vlogger Chary Jay's Huetiful Hair Idol photo shoot and met John of JAS Photo. I was taking test photos and struggling with using the natural light to my advantage. John moved me over a few inches and turned my camera to a vertical position. A 30-second consultation was all I needed to determine him someone I should I know within his industry, so I followed him on Twitter (@jas_photo), of course. A few tweets and interspersed questions later, he offered me the opportunity for a one-on-one session to help me get better acquainted with my equipment and a bit of (blogger) Photography 101. My first session was last Saturday. And from that meeting, a blogtog was born. 

In my Blogtog Journaling, I'll share with you what I'm learning as well as the amazing opportunity for you to bring your equipment {whatever camera you're using} and join in.

Stay tuned and let me know if you're a blogtog in the making!

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  1. Great photo. Yes crispy images changing te game w blogging. Excited to see the images you post later

  2. How awesome! Talk about perfect timing! I'm about to upgrade to DSLR and I need all the photography lessons I can get! I will be tunning into your Blogtog! :)

  3. and this is why i love you, LOL! i have yet to master my DSLR cam that I received as a gift last year for my birthday. i've been looking into taking some classes but have yet to find the time. i can't wait to read your tips & tricks!

  4. Thanks ladies! I think I visit most blogs for the photos more than the words, so this will help all of us step it up.

  5. I agree w/ Katrice. Good photos are a must on any good blog (and yours rocks, so I'm happy it's going to get more awesome!)

  6. hey were average, at best. Three months into blogging, I was researching DSLR cameras. {The thing that won me over about the blogs I loved -- more than the words, even -- was the quality of images.}


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