It's the Little Things

January 04, 2012

By Katrice 

{My grandmother, as a young woman in the background, and my mom}

It's that time again. The moment when we feel inspired by the newness of year and want to mark it by declaring some type of commitment to changing things within and around us. It's normal; I'd wager to say, we've all done it. Over the past few years though, I've moved away from start-of-the-year resolutions and begun to cultivate an atmosphere that inspires me to be my best self year-round. 

Something inspires me each day. Music or a conversation. Sometimes, it's giving, or a lesson or observation. It could virtually be anything.

As I prepared for vacation at the end of 2011, I decided that to redo the decor in my office as I haven't really changed it much over the past few years. I like to feel inspired the moment I enter a work space. So, my office is, in large part, full of books and magazines that I love. Mainly magazines. But, my most cherished office fixtures are the photos strewn throughout. 

These images remind me to ever be grateful and focused ... and zealous in my pursuits. And more than anything else, to simply take time to not only dream but to remember. 

What inspires you?

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  1. Lots of things inspire me. Lately, I've been really inspired by prayer and meditation. something about stillness clears my mind and gives me time for ideas to generate and the room to fulfill them.


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