You're Invited to The MVL Social!!

January 24, 2012

By Katrice 

I've been so busy that I haven't had time to wish my blog a Happy 2nd Birthday!! 
But, not too busy to plan a special event to commemorate the occasion. I hope that you will join me on Feb. 23rd at 6:30 p.m. for The MVL Social. Come out for a couple hours to the free soiree, sponsored by Atlanta Tribune, Shea Moisture, Beautiful Textures, Color Me Beautiful and Avon, and enjoy light fare, music, mingling and even a few surprises at the beautiful LOFT at Castleberry Hill. I'm looking for you {and your guests} to be there! Click the banner to RSVP and tell a friend. 

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  1. I'm so jealous! I wish I would be able to attend. Congrats girl :)


  2. Please pray with me that I can get a babysitter! If I can, I am sooooo THERE!


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