Harriet Tubman: My Hero

February 08, 2012

By Katrice 

We're in the midst of production for our March issue at the magazine, which will mark Women's History Month. And in my preparation, each year over the past five, one woman's work and contributions to humanity are always at the forefront of my mind as I consider the direction we will take editorially: Harriet Tubman. 

I became incredibly interested in her around the first Superwomen's edition of Atlanta Tribune that I was responsible for coordinating. In that issue, I dedicated my column to thanking several women who had been empowering influences in my life; and each since, there has been someone I found deserving of the same acknowledgement. I can't say enough that I believe in giving flowers to the living. As the years progress, my feelings on how I honor women  on the whole  evolve and I am meticulous about keeping things fresh and relative. And this year, my aim is that every woman who picks up the magazine feels that she is also being honored ... because she is. Each individual triumph is a victory for collective. 

And so, in my everyday pursuits, I take to heart the opportunity that I have to be great because of the sacrifices of women like Harriet Tubman. Women who I believe were motivated by the 'dream' of something and someone beyond themselves ... someone like me. I take very seriously my opportunity to commit to giving with the same fervency and unselfishness because it is absolutely conceivable that I am the benefactor of Harriet Tubman's {and many others'} faith and sacrifices. I say all the time that much of what has happened in my life thus far has been my living out the blessings of my elders. I believe that. 

If you have any doubts, just read Harriet's bio:

Harriet Tubman is perhaps the most well-known of all the Underground Railroad's "conductors." During a ten-year span she made 19 trips into the South and escorted over 300 slaves to freedom. And, as she once proudly pointed out to Frederick Douglass, in all of her journeys she "never lost a single passenger."

Tubman was born a slave in Maryland's Dorchester County around 1820. At age five or six, she began to work as a house servant. Seven years later she was sent to work in the fields. While she was still in her early teens, she suffered an injury that would follow her for the rest of her life. Always ready to stand up for someone else, Tubman blocked a doorway to protect another field hand from an angry overseer. The overseer picked up and threw a two-pound weight at the field hand. It fell short, striking Tubman on the head. She never fully recovered from the blow, which subjected her to spells in which she would fall into a deep sleep. 

Around 1844 she married a free black named John Tubman and took his last name. (She was born Araminta Ross; she later changed her first name to Harriet, after her mother.) In 1849, in fear that she, along with the other slaves on the plantation, was to be sold, Tubman resolved to run away. She set out one night on foot. With some assistance from a friendly white woman, Tubman was on her way. She followed the North Star by night, making her way to Pennsylvania and soon after to Philadelphia, where she found work and saved her money. The following year she returned to Maryland and escorted her sister and her sister's two children to freedom. She made the dangerous trip back to the South soon after to rescue her brother and two other men. On her third return, she went after her husband, only to find he had taken another wife. Undeterred, she found other slaves seeking freedom and escorted them to the North. 

Tubman returned to the South again and again. She devised clever techniques that helped make her "forays" successful, including using the master's horse and buggy for the first leg of the journey; leaving on a Saturday night, since runaway notices couldn't be placed in newspapers until Monday morning; turning about and heading south if she encountered possible slave hunters; and carrying a drug to use on a baby if its crying might put the fugitives in danger. Tubman even carried a gun which she used to threaten the fugitives if they became too tired or decided to turn back, telling them, "You'll be free or die." 

By 1856, Tubman's capture would have brought a $40,000 reward from the South. On one occasion, she overheard some men reading her wanted poster, which stated that she was illiterate. She promptly pulled out a book and feigned reading it. The ploy was enough to fool the men.

Tubman had made the perilous trip to slave country 19 times by 1860, including one especially challenging journey in which she rescued her 70-year-old parents. Of the famed heroine, who became known as "Moses," Frederick Douglass said, "Excepting John Brown -- of sacred memory -- I know of no one who has willingly encountered more perils and hardships to serve our enslaved people than [Harriet Tubman]." And John Brown, who conferred with "General Tubman" about his plans to raid Harpers Ferry, once said that she was "one of the bravest persons on this continent."

Becoming friends with the leading abolitionists of the day, Tubman took part in antislavery meetings. On the way to such a meeting in Boston in 1860, in an incident in Troy, New York, she helped a fugitive slave who had been captured.

During the Civil War Harriet Tubman worked for the Union as a cook, a nurse, and even a spy. After the war she settled in Auburn, New York, where she would spend the rest of her long life. She died in 1913.

Biography source, PBS.

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  1. Thanks for this! As young people we sometimes forget that we're as blessed as we are because of the sacrifices our ancestors made for us! Harriet Tubman is definitely one of my Sheros! I see her strength, courage, and drive in so many of my peers today.

  2. What bravery! Sometimes I think we forget how treacherous these feats were. No cellphones,GPS etc. to say the least. Only love, faith and bravery could have fueled her. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing this! We can never forget how far we' ve come.


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