Confession, Good for the Soul

April 09, 2012

By Katrice

I've been natural for nearly four years and I'm one step from a rut. I don't want to straighten it and my scalp is so sensitive that braids for more than a month are difficult to maintain. I'd love a protective style that does not require hair being sewn in. Suggestions???

How do you keep things fresh with your natural hair and what are some of your go-to protective styles? 

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  1. Why not straighten? You know I love sew-ins. But I am also a big fan of the top of the head bun.

  2. I love how thick and kinky my hair is, and I believe that has made me fearful of changing it with heat. I hear that your hair bounces back, but I have seen so many instances of change to a woman's kinky/curly pattern once the straightening starts.

  3. Hi Katrice :)

    When I need a break especially during the summer time, I do small (not tiny) two strand twist. I will put the twist on rollers and wear it curly, or Put all the twist in a bun, pony tail etc...I rinse my hair while it's twisted also. For me it looks better the older it gets and I leave them in for about 5-6 wks. I'm thinking about doing that soon because it's soooo Hot! :).
    And Baby shopaholic I have to try a sew-in and/or clip-ins this fall. I never had a sew-in but I want to play with the

  4. I'm transitioning (almost a year). I'm currently wearing long two strand kinky twists. It's versatile - updo, down, partial up do, French twist, pony, top bun. I mix a moisturizing concoction to keep it healthy. It's been a week and I love it. I've been doing my daughters hair like this for years but never did it on myself. It's a nice switch that you might like.

  5. Thanks for the ideas. I got a lot of feedback on facebook and twitter. So, I'm happy.

  6. I feel the SAME way! That's why I'm straight again... Not sure what I'll do after washing. The twists you have in now are super cute! Maybe I'll try that...


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