30 Days of Truth | Day 5

May 08, 2012

By Katrice

Something you hope to do in your life.

1. Travel to Africa.
2. Become a philanthropist.
3. Adopt a child.
4. Pay off at least one person's student loan debt, besides my own.
5. Learn to sew and change brake pads.
6. Write a book.
7. Get married.
8. Have a conversation with Oprah Winfrey.
9. Shed my fear of speaking in front of audiences.
10. Live in Harlem.

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  1. What an awesome list!!

    Feel free to pay off my student loan debt my dear! Lol
    I am currently taking sewing lessons at Hobby Lobby; it's one of the things I wanted to learn before I turned 30 :-).

    1. Ahhh! Hobby Lobby? I live by two of them. I'll be checking into a class tomorrow. Thanks, Rocquelle!

  2. I think we're twins! My list is practically the same. Still on the fence about #7 lol

    1. Fajr!!! I just hollered out loud. I am totally on the fence about #7, but I thought ... I'll put it on here. smh LOL

    2. LOL!!! Ya'll are funny! It's not that bad....most of the time anyway! ;)

    3. Margaret, that thing went on the list, got moved around ... I was like, let me just put it on and be done with it! lol

  3. Love your list! I have the same goals. I have wanted to adopt a child since forever.

  4. #1-Yes!
    #4-Mine?! Yes!
    #9-Try Toastmasters International

  5. Awesome list!

    #1- that's on my To-Do List
    #5 - I totally need to learn how to sew (I'm just so craft challenged!
    #6 - on my third round of serious editing so I'm getting much closer to accomplishing that goal

    I would definitely add
    Traveling to Europe
    Learning a third language
    Going Scuba Diving

  6. I love your additions. I would love to learn a second language.

  7. Things I hope to do in my life. Generally speaking, I hope to live by the golden rule; always treating others the way I want to be treated. I hope to be the best mother to my daughter and teach her to be confident in her abilities. I hope to travel to Africa. I hope to conquer my fear of singing in front of others. I hope to work for the CDC. I hope to get married and have another child. I hope to move out of Ohio.

  8. #2 - building the spirit of entrepreneurship and funding dreams
    #6 - would be so disappointed in myself if I didn't!

    Travel to Paris
    Live to see my great grandchildren- Gods willing
    Visit every state in the US
    Learn French

  9. A brand new fan, mid-twenties, from Tanzania (East Africa). Just 'accidentally' stumbled on your blog today and I am sure you have figured it out, I am going through the past posts. I love the content and wish I could write this well. If you ever need info/assistance achieving #1, just give me a buzz and I'll help where I can. :)


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