I Believe

June 26, 2012

By Katrice 

I woke up this morning and tweeted: "Today is going to be a great day."

Within an hour, my attitude was going south quickly. An email ... growing To Do list, not being able to shop {what I do when stress overwhelms me} ... anxiety. I was literally sitting at my desk becoming more discouraged by the moment, and then I sent a message to my best friend; just a few lines lamenting a challenge ... {this from the woman who has turned her life into one big ongoing challenge. smh}. I started out with, "It's so unfair." I waited for her to reply in agreement.

She did not. She wrote back: "To whom much is given, much is required." 

I always talk about "the impossible." I've had my heart set on so many "impossibles" that I can't even count them all, and sometimes while I'm on the path to it, I become frustrated with the process. I'm inevitably frustrated with the discomfort of being made ... I mean, that's all each level really is. I'm being made over and over again, and realize that when you are made into something different, even if just slightly different, some part of you must change and another part fortify ... etc., etc. 

I don't do vision boards or pen lists of goals, but I do constantly make declarations. I make declarations about who I am and who I hope to be. I am powerful. I am resilient. I am free. I am resourceful. I am generous. I am focused. I am loyal. I am fearless. I am capable. I am a success.

Sometimes, I have to stop and say these things to myself, and then get back to the seemingly impossibles ... and expecting. 

Remembering that I expect because I believe. 

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  1. "I'm inevitably frustrated with the discomfort of being made..." This statement has given me both LIFE and Clarity. Thanks. I have to remember that God is molding me and sometimes that hurts and/or is uncomfortable. Thank you Ms. Katrice. :)

  2. Don't you love having friends who aren't afraid to tell you how it is?! :)

    I definitely have my days but I always remember something my aunt always says:

    Pity parties should only last for 24 hours. After that, keep it moving!

    Have an awesome day girlfriend!

    1. I do love a friend who knows how to get to the bottom line of things. I can wallow on my own and I can also be in a haze on my own. The truth makes us free. ; )

  3. You expect because you know what you're capable of! Keep striving. We all have days where things don't nearly go as we wish, but you're here and tomorrow can only get better!

  4. I woke up today feeling so good. Little by little, my enthusiasm grew to tears which I'm not one to cry but lately I find myself getting so overwhelmed. An old friend remarked on my Instagram to stay positive and while I normally would follow suit, I snapped back at him. I simply wanted to wallow in my disdain for today. Reading your post makes me feel positive because instead of slapping a generic, "Cheer up" comment, your post stays true to the fact that yes we all have bad days, bad moments. But those moments give way to greater things to come. Thank you for your honesty and realization that while life isn't always the best at times, we are nevertheless blessed. Hope your day improves Katrice.

    1. Right there ... We are human and so we become discouraged and feel weak, but we can only be there for a moment. Thank God these moments pass. My day is getting back to great! I hope the same for you, Jonell.

  5. Not only did I enjoy reading this, I enjoyed reading the comments, too! I just starting saying affirmations to myself (during bad and good) as a reminder, I write them in the morning, but there is something powerful about actually speaking the words.

    Loved this post!


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