September 21, 2012

By Katrice

Like every woman who loves fashion, I've dreamt of being in New York City for Fashion Week since I was a girl. Of course, the dream includes seats, front and center, at all the top designers' shows. In reality, however, being in the wings  soaking up the sights and sounds from the streets to the runway was more than enough for me.

My plans revolved around where to go for Fashion's Night Out, catching up with friends, good food and seeing a few of the sights ... something I've not taken the time to do in the past. Four days to wander, a Starbucks every couple of block  New York did not disappoint. 

First up, Fashion's Night Out. For weeks ahead, I checked the ever-growing list of events happening all over the city to determine where I'd go. So much to choose from. It was a wonderful quandary. While my plans were to galavant from one part of the city to the next, a strained knee hampered them just a bit. Finally at the center of FNO and unable to wear heels. A story for another day. I took my time and strolled from Penn Station to Saks Fifth Avenue, where each floor would feature an array of attractions. From 34th and 7th to 5th Avenue, the occasion was obvious — fashion all around. Everything I'd imagined. 

Taking an instagram pic with my Droid Incredible to print on the Instaprint

Ian Sklarsky doing sketch portraits

Yves Saint Laurent

As much I was anticipating the fashion, I was also very much anticipating the little things. I ate enough chicken kabobs from food trucks to last me the rest of the year. And I spent an afternoon between Starbucks and Central Park catching up with friend Tasha. 


If it's worth a picture, it's worth a donation

And finally the main thing: Tibi Spring/Summer '13. I literally wore flats for three days so that I could wear heels to the show my last night in town. 

I located my seat but stood with other photographers for a better view of the models. 

Want to see more pic? Click here

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  1. Great review of NYFW... It was fun hanging out and catching up. Love Tibi and excited for the spring pieces.

  2. i had actually never heard of fashion week until last year (just showing how cultured i'm not, here!). but now that i know, i wish i could go, too! but honestly, i just love looking at all of the photos and the many, many different perspectives on the web! thanks for sharing! looks like you had a great time

    morgan at quitetheblog.com

    1. Oh! You would enjoy it. It's such a good time to be in NYC.

  3. You can feel the energy of NYC even through photos. Thanks so much for sharing. Oh and your makeup in that picture is perfection!

  4. Love all of the pics. I felt I was with you the whole entire time.....please do tell the brand & color of that lipstick you are wearing. TRULY DIVINE!
    S Nicole


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