Be Great {On Purpose} - My Vicarious Life

Be Great {On Purpose}

October 02, 2012

By Katrice

Repeat after me: I will stop being afraid to be great. I will stop being afraid to be great. I will stop being afraid to be great. {Repeat as many times and as often as necessary.}

Isn't being great what we all want? It's a rhetorical question ... I mean, we want it but sometimes, it's easier to just blend in with the crowd or even further into the background. Right? And when exactly did it become easier? I'll tell you when. The first time, another girl said within earshot that you thought you were all that or an elder told you to 'sit your fast tail {a.k.a. your young, free self} down somewhere.' It may not have seemed so heavy then, but just enough quenching self-doubt was seeded. And that was before life even began to throw you any real challenges. 

I know it because I've been there. And when it's time for me to approach the microphone and speak on behalf of the magazine that I steer from the wings, I can still be shaken. 

Before sitting down to write this post, I'd never considered actively pursuing my greatness. I thought it showy and pretentious. My friends will tell you, I like to be found in the background  though the background is so opposite of my core. At least once a day, I say to myself ... "Self, you were born to inspire." I believe that. I joke that it's one of my super powers but it's so serious for me. 

We often hear the scripture Proverbs 18:21 quoted about life and death being in the power of our tongues. But, verse 20 is impactful as well: A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled. Yes! 

Insert here: Greatness is within me. 

How not to be afraid:
1. Close some doors in your life. 
There are some naysayers and activities that need to be shut out. This is about self-preservation. 

2. Make your circle exclusive to people who lift you up.
What's essential is not being with friends who agree with your every word but being cloaked by people who believe in you and support where you're trying to go. Those friends will critique you and affirm you in the same conversation. Critique {not to be confused with tearing one down} is necessary.

3. Step out of your comfort zone.
Do something often that is beyond what you're comfortable with. As a matter of fact, constantly do things you've never done before. Increase your capacity. "A mind stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions."

4. Speak life {to yourself}.
On my down days, I'll just start saying every positive thing I can think of — out loud. If we're connected on facebook or Twitter, you'll know those days. I talk myself up. Literally counting your blessings and laying claim to the blessings you want will change your disposition. 

5. Prepare
What you take in is what you put out. Enrich yourself. Prayer, books, talks, learning opportunities, mentoring, giving ... All of these things make you stronger mind, body and spirit. 
And you'll need your strength. Greatness is not always easy. 

But, it's so necessary.

*Footnote: Excuse the choppiness of this piece. I just let it flow. 

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  1. Love "I thought it showy and pretentious." I often feel the same way. Like who do I think I am to do xyz or want xyz. Greatness is a choice and achieved by commitment to a craft and way of life.

    Love that you ended with preparation, because it's so key in reaching any new level; that and working your butt off.

    Thanks for this love!

    1. Fajr, that is exactly my thought: Who I think I am ...!?

  2. Thank you *adopted big sis* I hear you loud in clear! Thank you thank you thank you. I just had a great conversation with a uplifting friend around this topic. Again, God sent you a message of Confirmation, just for me!

    I appreciate you. Watch out world. Toy the Great is Here! :-)...lol... I am working on it at least.

    1. You're so welcome. I wrote this for me ... and ALL of us. Thank you for reading.

  3. Thanks for sharing. I love it & needed it!

  4. OMG, this post is everything!! I'm on a journey to finding and becoming my greatness, so every point you've made is key to my daily life. The point you made about trying not to be too showy or pretentious is one I've been struggling with lately, as I never want to come off that way to anyone, but at the same time, I'm simply being me. Thank you for sharing this Katrice and simply letting it flow :-).

    1. We're sincere in our contributions but the world can be cruel. We must carry on!!

  5. Bravo! #thatisall *Q

  6. This statement describes me so well, " I like to be found in the background — though the background is so opposite of my core." My core always pulling me to move, speak, do and my fear points of "quenching self-doubt" saying, "No". Lately, I've embraced #3. I love the affirmation, I love the flow ... it is genuine which always speaks best. All in all, I find overcoming the nemesis, fear, to be a perpetual endeavor. *Q
    (I cannot figure out for the life of me how to post with my wordpress)

    1. Thank you! I feel the same way, I'm being pulled and I know that it's a sign because there was a time when I could beat the feeling down. These days, I cannot.

      (As for wordpress, may the force be with you. I need to find both of us help on that front.)

  7. This just about me cry! How many times do I talk myself out of being great? I have convinced myself that I want to be in the shadows when everything within me screams NO, you are supposed to be out front in the light. I don't know why I hide from myself but I am trying to stop sabotaging my own self. Thank you for sharing this, I needed this oh so much!

    1. Ms. Cathy, thank you so much for reading and I'm glad that the message was on time for you. We all needed this today!

  8. And how did you know so many of us needed this today? So simple, yet so powerful! Thank you for sharing, but most of all thank you for being you!

  9. Marquitta MinniefieldOctober 2, 2012 at 4:17 PM


  10. Absolutely on point...Thank you for this message. Just a validation of what I'm aiming for.

  11. I really enjoyed this post. It's confirmation for me. Stepping out of my comfort zone has been a challenged mainly because of fear. Yet, I know it's time to become "unstuck " and to step up and out. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  12. Thank you. I'll have to remember "and you'll need your strength...." I needed to hear this.

  13. Loved this. Inspiring, motivating, gets the mental juices flowing.

  14. As I said on Twitter, and I'll say again, wonderful post. I'm making sure I save this for future reminders.

  15. Goodness this is perfect I'm on this path now and yesterday I went to see The King's Men Tour (Kirk Franklin, Donnie McClurkin, Marvin Sapp and Israel Haughton)and this post just added to the feeling of determination that I now have. Thank you so much!!


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