Bring Back Our Girls

April 30, 2014

By Katrice

On April 16, 2014, 234 girls were kidnapped during the night from their school in northeastern Nigeria by Boko Haram, a terrorist group. The families of the girls are so desperate for their return that fathers, uncles, cousins and others have been taking the immense risk of entering the forest where they believe the girls are located in an effort to plead with their captors for their return. As Boko Haram has grown increasingly extreme and bold in their attacks on communities, the Nigerian government has been unable to intervene. News sources are reporting that hundreds of the girls have been sold as a brides to Islamist militants in Chad and Cameroon for 2,000 naira — $12. A petition has been created on We the People, a platform at where individuals can create and sign petitions that call for action by the federal government on a range of issues facing our nation, asking the international community including the U.S. government to step in and use their combined resources to help save these girls and others like them from this terrorism. If the petition gathers enough signatures, it will be reviewed by White House staff and receive an official response. Though it seems that there is so little we can do as individuals so far across the world, our efforts can influence action. I  hope that you will make your voice heard by signing the petition. 

“I believe that there will be ultimately be a clash between the oppressed and those who do the oppressing. I believe that there will be a clash between those who want freedom, justice and equality for everyone and those who want to continue the system of exploitation. I believe that there will be that kind of clash, but I don't think it will be based on the color of the skin...” 
― Malcolm X

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