Suits or whatever ...

May 05, 2015

By Katrice

Blazer, Target | Tee, Old Navy | Slacks, Abercrombie & Fitch | Shoes, Go Jane

I bought these silk tapered slacks at Abercrombie about a month ago and they were too big when I bought them. I intended to exchange them for a smaller size at another store but never got around to it. I love the way they look and feel, even with a little bagginess so to camouflage the fit I threw on this tailored blazer. I'll have them tailored later. But on that note, my family's wellness challenge (which we've done for the second consecutive year from January to May) is winding up with our family reunion Memorial Day Weekend. However, I will be continuing with the eating parameters and my more fit lifestyle as it has improved me so much — including the fit of my clothes. I am immensely encouraged to stay with my daily walks, aerobics and strength training because I feel better and I'm loving the way my body has transformed. 

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