A New Understanding

October 31, 2016

Last week, I asked several of my friends and family members what the most prominent lesson was that they've learned in 2016 (thus far). Interestingly, none of their responses overlapped and I found so many to be thoughtfully introspective. The topic is on my mind because this year has been one of intense learning and growth for me. I've worked through some tendencies I always perceived to be a part of my personality (they were not, they were mere habits). And the tests I've endured showed me my strength and, more importantly, where I was weak. If there was a constant that could shift, it did. This year has absolutely been one in which my capacity increased but also where my foundation was shaken and resettled. So, I considered the same question, and the pinnacle lesson for me was blaring. I learned this year to differentiate between when I am in a situation where God is stretching me and when it is one where he has not given me the grace to fulfill the task. Simply put, grace is the favor of God that gives us access to his power to fulfill an undertaking. Grace is not a given. There are tasks that God calls us to and others that we pursue and struggle to manage because we are out of alignment with his will for us. It happens so often because we are so heavily influenced by what is happening in the world around us. We see what others are doing and compare ourselves. We grapple with contentment. So many things get us off track. But I am grateful for a new understanding. I Corinthians 15:10 - But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

- xMVL

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  1. "I learned this year to differentiate between when I am in a situation where God is stretching me and when it is one where he has not given me the grace to fulfill the task."

    The very well description of my year!


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