Getting a Grip

January 15, 2019

At the start of this year, literally just a few days in — I heard two back-to-back sermons that set the pace for how my year would proceed without me even realizing (in that moment) how profoundly I was being redirected. Bishop T.D. Jakes preached about getting a grip on a promise God has given you and my pastor came right behind that with a charge to let go of whomever or whatever is delaying the promise of increase in your life. I'm guilty of having heard numerous talks and messages about how holding onto something old can delay the arrival of something new in your life. It sounds good and exciting to think that there is more ... and better, even, waiting in the wings; but the reality is — so often, we are comfortable with what we know. We're also lulled at times by our limited vision of how wonderful things can be, when God on the other hand always has a more superior blessing for us than we ever imagine. We know this ... I know it, but I have been at this impasse, too many times to count, where God has had to force movement in my life to give me his best or cause me to produce more. More precise change has happened for me in the first 14 days of this year than all of 2018. It's a little frightening but also inspiring in that I have been able to see a few glimpses of what is to come. Nothing beats looking forward to what God will do for you. He never disappoints. 

- xMVL

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  1. I read that God allows disruption to realign us to His intended plan and purpose for our lives. Oh how he loves you and me! I’m “getting a grip” and getting back on track!❤️ ~Auntie Sharon


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