To do this, we need to unplug and fill our minds with more enriching stimulation so that what our thinking produces edifies us. The better your time spent and subsequent life experiences, the better your life.
- Read a book (Maybe even start a book club with your friends!)
- Talk to friends and family (If you can Facetime or Google Hangout, even better.)
- If you're going to be online, use the time you're spending there acquiring the knowledge of something new (Think, documentaries; Youtube tutorials for skillsets you've always wanted; learn a new language, etc.)
- Meditate (Put the phone down, turn the television off, surround yourself with quiet and just be in that moment.)
- Try new recipes (BonAppetit Magazine and NYTimes Cooking are my two favorite sources on IG of goooood eats that I can try.)
- Take a walk (There is nothing like being in nature. Period.)
What I'm saying is that what we put into our minds is what we produce in our daily lives. We spend an increasing amount of time as vicarious revelers (pun intended) — admiring the lives we see others living online. No. Let's use this time of social distancing to make our own lives better from the inside out.

Sweatsuit | Target
Hat | F21
Heels | JustFab