Of Sistren Supper Club | 2
May 08, 2021

Earlier this spring, I launched a gathering of women that had been a dream project for me. As I mentioned when I talked about how Of Sistren Supper Club came to be, I was yearning for fellowship and the power we gain from coming together. And I had a strong feeling that I was not the only one ... I was right.
The first collective of Of Sistren is still in session -- concluding in June and I cannot even begin explain the breadth of what I have gained from the conversation, the sharing, the experiences and the community that the women in this group have manifested.
So I'm excited to announce that applications are open through June 9, 2021 for the next cohort which will begin meeting on the second Saturday of each month July 9, 2021. Participants will join the relaxed supper club for four months, getting together virtually one Saturday each month.
Of Sistren will be by invitation only, but the intent is not to exclude anyone as much as it is meant to allow the space and time for solid conversation and listening between dreamers and doers. If you're not chosen to join for a specific quarter, never fear, your application will be considered for a subsequent session.
Are you in? If so, I'd love to hear from you.
(Fill out the application to join us on the link above.)